
Last week, students learnt about using safe hands and feet in the classroom and outside. We focussed on being aware of our behaviour and those of the people around us. We also spoke about how while accidents sometimes do happen, it’s still important to apologise when they do and check on the people who have been impacted.


This week, in our Respectful Relationships lessons, students continued to develop their understanding of Topic 1: Emotional Literacy. Our WALT was to identify and manage our emotions and those of others. This topic aims to get students thinking about how they feel, how others may feel, what different responses might be to show or notice these feelings, and how expressing our emotions can be healthy and make us wonderful friends. This can filter into students showing and developing the character strengths of showing compassion, fairness and tolerance.



You may like to complete an activity at home with your family, which is taken from the Year 3&4 Respectful Relationships booklet.  Emotions in the School Day: The aim of this activity is to name a range of positive and negative emotions that they can experience during their time in class and in the school playground, as well as describe the influence that people, situations and events can have on their own and others’ emotions.


Activity modified for home: In a small circle, invite each family member to describe situations at home or school/work that may cause the following positive and negative emotions: excited, proud, happy, surprised, interested, sad, bored, lonely, nervous, and embarrassed. Once everyone has shared some ideas, talk about what things each person could do to try and make home and school experiences more positive and enjoyable for themselves and others. 


International Women’s Day


We celebrated International Women’s Day (March 8th) throughout the week at OOPS and used the opportunity to celebrate all of the amazing women and girls in our lives. Students were able to recognise different character strengths significant women and girls in their lives show, including bravery, humour, kindness, intelligence, creativity and kindness through a range of activities in the classroom.


If you have any questions about Wellbeing at OOPS, please do not hesitate to email Adam Todd at: adam.todd@education.vic.gov.au