Parents' Association

President- Mrs Jordan, Vice President - Mrs Di Gennaro, Treasurer - Mrs van Prooyen, Secretary - Mrs Ross, Fundraising Co-ordinator - Ms Berardini, Community Engagement - Mrs Edgcumbe,  Class Rep Coordinator - Mrs Campbell/Mrs Heard

PA Update

Class friendship lists

Class friendship lists have now been emailed to everyone.  If you haven't received a copy or have any changes please email If you haven't completed the form and want to be added please add your details via the following link;

Thanks to Mrs Campbell and Mrs Heard for your effort in compiling the lists.


Pancake Day

Thank you to Ms Berardini and all the wonderful helpers (kids and adults) for a very successful pancake day.  We raised $502.90 and had some very happy kids!


POPS Welcome Night - Friday 23rd February

With a forecast of 21 degrees, the weather is looking great for this Friday night.  Bring your picnic rugs and camp chairs and enjoy the food vans on offer or bring your own snacks.  There will also be temporary tattoos and coloured hairspray available.  The food vans include the Lions Club sausages, Vietnamese Food House, UC Food to go (fish n chips) and an ice cream van.

Cupcake/Preloved Uniform Sale

The Cupcake stall will be at the Arts Centre Monday 26 February at 3:30pm KIDS ONLY (sorry no adults to avoid crowds). Foundation students will be taken by their teacher before 3.30pm. Don’t forget to bring along $1 for your yummy cupcake!!


The Preloved Uniform sale will be Monday 26 February at 3.00pm-3.45pm. All items are $5. The stall will be located outside the Pettet Centre (where OSHClub students hang their bags).


POPS Major Fundraiser

We launched our Major Fundraiser for the year at assembly this week, the Colour Fun Run.  Everyone should have had a brochure sent home otherwise you can sign up at  This week we are aiming for AS MANY kids as possible to SIGN UP, and the three classes with the most profiles set up by Sunday 25th February will receive an ICY POLE.  This means no donations required and no tickets to be purchased this year for a Major Fundraising evening.  The Colour Fun Run is on Monday 18th March - lots more information to come.


To date this week we have 142 students who have set up a profile and we have raised $3076 so far for our new library/well being space. Let’s keep fundraising! Kids could even sell cup cakes or sell some old toys and then self-donate via their profile 💡. 

Monica Jordan

PA Co-ordinator