Student Awards

Student Awards

Mon 19th FebruaryStudent NameFor...
FAOscar MHis amazing start in Foundation. Well done.
FMZara MShowing confidence when entering the room in the mornings!
1KApril BFor demonstrating excellence by always trying her personal best. Keep it up!
1MShae GAlways being such a positive and polite classmate. Superstar!
2DHamish LThe great effort he puts into his writing. Keep it up Hamish!
2HOwen BBeing an excellent role model and making great choices with your learning, particularly your hard work with writing. Thanks for being a great helper too!
2HJuliet IShowing such wonderful initiative and research skills. We loved learning the differences between America and Australia! 
2/3QAustin WFor always putting in his best efforts with his class work. Keep it up Austin!
3GChloe MFor her fantastic inferences when reading our mentor text “the tip at the end of the street”
3OLucy MFor excellence in Writing, including WOW words in her work!
4DWilliam RFor his consistent focus during class learning and always looking for a challenge during Maths. 
4PSophie KFor putting in her personal best when presenting her leadership speech.
5IIsla AFor being a good role model and always showing the school values of Respect, Integrity, Kindness and Excellence.
5KHelena SFor writing a fantastic ‘Show, don’t tell’ using strong, descriptive language. Awesome effort! 
5/6MSienna HFor your fantastic effort when writing Think Marks for your good fit book. Keep it up! 
6DCharlotte TFor using a variety of different text evidence when supporting her ideas in reading. Well done Charlotte!
6MAshton SFor showing excellence when creating vivid imagery in your descriptive writing pieces. Keep it going!
ArtDaniel GFor his amazing self portrait including a detailed POPS logo on his shirt! Well done!
MandarinSasha OFor her enthusiastic participation in the Mandarin class activities about Chinese New Year celebrations.
PAEmilie WFor her focus and control when playing rhythmic notation on a glockenspiel. Well done Emilie!  
ScienceTristan AFor his fabulous annotated diagram - I love the way you combined your knowledge of the water cycle with your predictions for our experiment!