From the School Council

School Council President- Mr Yep, School Council Vice President- Mrs Kupinic, Treasurer- Mr Tanner, Executive Officer - Ms Garrity, Councillors- Mrs Amarsi, Mrs Ayton, Mrs Defanis,  Mrs Edgcumbe (PA), Mrs Hartley, Mr Marriot, Mrs Bullen, Mrs Debono, Ms Hahn.

From the School Council President

It was great to meet up again in our first School Council meeting since December - there is a renewed sense of energy and focus, which gives us a positive start to the year ahead.


As usual, our sub-committees met @ 6:30 pm, and we had some interested parents attend as well. 


The Facilities group discussed the timing of the next Working Bee (Friday 15th March), several aspects of grounds and building maintenance (including progress with the Department addressing some storm damage from last year), and also (with much anticipation) the in-flight Library Upgrade and pending development of the first phase of the adjacent Sensory Garden Project. We also considered the way that we will manage the Vegetable Garden and Hens. The Education Subcommittee conducted policy review and also planning for the year. 


School Council then took advantage of the newly carpeted Library area and moved to hold our meeting there. We will now be looking at what interesting furniture we can source to complete the transformation! 


There are a number of imminent position updates as some roles cycle out of their two-year tenures. We thanked both Mrs Debono and Ms Hahn for their passionate and insightful contributions and wished them well for their new leadership roles this year, announced in last week's newsletter. 


We also had a number of administrative and financial motions and paperwork to do with our school budget. Thank you also to Mr Tanner and Mrs Walsh for their hard work (and attention to detail) in this space. A final thank you to our dedicated PA - we have already had some successful events (Pancake Day), and fundraising planning is well advanced. A number of items used by the school would not have been possible without that support. 


We look forward to a strong and fruitful year of developing our programs and facilities. We have already had the Young Leaders' Conference (last week), attended by all of Year 6, and expect that the tone will continue for an exciting 2024.



Kynan Yep (School Council President) 


Our next School Council meeting is Tuesday March 19 at 7pm.


Facilities sub- committee members: Ms Garrity, Mrs Hartley, Mrs Kupinic, Mr Marriott and Mr Yep. 

Education sub- committee members: Mrs Bullen, Mrs Debono, Ms Hahn, Mrs Ayton, Mrs Amarsi, Mrs Defanis and Mr Tanner. 


Working Bee (New Date):  Friday March 15, 3:45- 5:30 pm. The focus will be maintaining the Vegetable garden and chicken coup and maintenance of the central courtyard and general garden maintenance.