Assistant Principal's Report

Mitch Harris

Mobile Phones 

A reminder to students and parent/guardians that Mount Beauty Secondary College is in alignment with the Department of Education mobile phone policy. We ask that students are compliant with the mobile phone policy to ensure that we promote an effective and safe school environment. 


Students are reminded that they can bring a mobile phone to school but it must be securely stored throughout the school day (warning music 8:55am – school bell 3:20pm). Students who are non-compliant with the policy will be provided support and appropriate consequences will be enforced and communicated to a student's family.  


Using Compass 

Compass is the schools online Student Management System. We encourage parents/guardians to regularly check Compass for important information, this includes student reports, attendance, events/excursion and parent/student/teacher interviews. If you are having issues with accessing Compass or would like some assistance please let the office staff know. 


Progress Reports 

 All students have now received their first Progress Report for 2024, this is an important time to sit down with students and discuss how things are going and set some achievable goals for the next cycle. Students will also be reviewing their Progress Reports in Home Group to reflect on how they are going and identify areas they can improve. 


Energy Drinks at School

It is important that students are prepared for learning. Over recent weeks I have seen an increase in students consuming energy drinks before school or during breaks. To assist with the smooth running of classes we ask that students do not consume these, if students are seen consuming these teachers will remove the drink and if opened will be disposed of. If you have questions about this please feel free to get in touch.