Principal's Report
Simone Roy
Principal's Report
Simone Roy
Reminder about the call for self-nominations for school council. We seek 2 parent, 3 staff (DET) and 2 student positions on school council. There are also 2 community positions vacant – if you have any particular skills that you think would be valuable for the school council to have, please contact me.
Meetings occur twice per term, with a 2 year commitment. We are seeking self-nominations from parents, staff, students and community members. If you have not been on Council before, it is a good opportunity to learn more about how our school works, provide another avenue for feedback from the community to the school, and contribute to our school community.
Self-nomination forms are attached below and are also available from the Office. Self-nominations must be submitted by Friday 8th March 12.00pm and can either be emailed directly to me at , sent by post to arrive by the cut off, or handed directly in to the Office.
School Council election process timeline:
During Term 4 2023, I was privileged enough to work with 2 DET School Improvement Consultants, Anne Klock and Pam Thibou Martin, who helped me to clarify thinking around many processes and systems within the school and update them as needed. Some of the key changes included the preparation for implementation of a new leadership structure, involving a leadership team of 4, stronger and more supported middle leadership positions, changes to staff communications and the meeting structure, to name a few.
At the end of the year, Anne and Pam wrote to our School Council. After last week’s Council meeting, it was suggested that some of this email be shared with the school community. Having gained permission to share, here it is:
Over the last few months, we have had the privilege of working alongside Simone with the goal of supporting positive future directions at Mount Beauty Secondary College. There were several things that we became aware of very quickly.
We have really enjoyed our time at Mount Beauty SC and wish to acknowledge and thank Simone for her tireless effort and time in supporting this work. Her commitment to Mount Beauty SC and her strive for school improvement certainly demonstrates the school vision of “Confidence to aspire ever upward”.
We wish the School Community well as it moves into 2024 and hope that everyone has a relaxing holiday break and is ready for a positive year ahead.
Yours Sincerely,
Pamela Thibou-Martin and Anne Klock, Education Consultants
This year, school has a total of 5 student free days, the fifth being the whole school Professional Practice Day. The remaining student free dates for this year are: