In the garden

Allison ran a session with 3/4G on Monday to explore examples of indigenous and native plants growing in our SKiPPS garden. 


Students were invited to share their ideas and questions by stating what they were curious about when touching, smelling and observing the plants, seeds and leaves. 

There were gumnuts, banksia, native thyme/oregano, warragal greens, salt bush, coastal banksia, holly hock and drooping she oak. They also explored the traditional uses of the plants as food, medicine, tools and other implements.


Did you know... there are more than 800 different types of eucalyptus species in Australia!


The other 3/4 classes will explore the native treasures around our school over the next few weeks during garden sessions. 


Students also took some time to really look at the plants about make observational drawing of them with Chantel in the Art room. We really tried to focus on drawing what we see by paying close attention to the shapes and textures on the plants rather than what we think leaves and seeds look like. 


Here are Otis and Dash with their drawings.