Literacy News

2024 Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee
For the second year, St Kilda Park is entering the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee. The competition is open to all our students in Year 3/4/5 & 6. It is free to enter the online competition which I will run with students over the 3 consecutive Tuesdays in August.
Entrants will be required to answer 30 random spelling words (timed) per round. Students are required to be signed up by a teacher, so please let me know by close of business Friday August 2nd if your child/children would like to participate. Here is the link if you would like to read up a little more about the competition and I will have the consent form attached in a following newsletter.
Thank you to those that have already reached out and expressed interest.
Writing Competition Opportunity
Port Phillip Libraries’ annual Writing Competition! Ages 6 – 18
If you are interested in participating please see the information below.
Book Week August 17-23
Each year since 1945 the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. During this time, we spend one week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. Together, we share and tell stories relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading. The theme this year is Reading is Magic.
At SKiPPS we grab any opportunity to celebrate reading. We have lots of exciting things happening to celebrate the 2024 CBCA Book Week.
All students will be going to a performance from Meerkat Productions who adapt two books shortlisted by the CBCA for the Book of the Year Awards. One show is a book from the Picture Book Category and another from the Younger Readers Chapter Book category. Meerkat Productions create 2 x 40-minute musical productions including original songs and puppetry.
Author Visits
We also have some fabulous authors coming to talk to the children about the art of writing, the process of having a story published and to share their passions and processes about writing stories.
Jane Godwin, author of many books we use as mentor texts at in the classroom to model high quality writing, is coming to speak with the Foundation &1/2 students.
Anna Fienberg, author of the Tashi books is coming to share her stories and experiences with the Year 5/6s.