Important Notices

Foundation School Tours & Enrolments
Closing soon - Friday 26th July
With the Foundation enrolment period closing soon, we are asking all SKIPPS parents to spread the word! If you know of any parents looking to enrol their child into Foundation in 2025, please ask them to sign up to our final school tour on Tuesday 23rd July, 2024.
Enrolment forms can be collected from the office or downloaded here.
The state-wide deadline for Foundation enrolments is Friday 26th July 2024. Completed enrolment forms must be submitted to the school office by this point.
Curriculum Day - This Friday
A Curriculum Day will be held this Friday (19th July), and students will not be required at school on that day.
If your child requires supervision on Friday 19th July, please Team Kids will be available for reserve a place for them with Team Kids at
Swimming Reminder
A reminder that our swimming program is taking place for all students over the next fortnight.
- Students in Years 3-6 will be swimming next week (Week 2 - 22nd - 26th July)
- Students in Foundation - Year 2 will be swimming the following week (Week 3 - 29th July - 2nd August)
Swimming is an important component of SKiPPS’ Physical Education Program and a key learning focus of the Victorian Curriculum. All students are expected to attend the swimming lessons.
The Swimming Program will be conducted by trained instructors at MSAC. The lessons will be 45 minutes long and each year level will attend a session each day during the week.
Students will come to school as normal on these days and travel to and from MSAC with their teachers. Year 3-6 classes will travel by tram each day. Foundation - Year 2 classes will travel by hired bus.
Please make sure that your child has the following items with them each day during their swimming week.
- Clothes and shoes that make changing before and after their lesson easy
- Bathers
- Goggles
- Towel
- Comb or brush
- Plastic carry bag
- Swimming cap - Swimming caps can be purchased from the school office for $3.00 (coins preferred). They are compulsory for ALL STUDENTS.
Swimming each year becomes a lost property bonanza so please ensure that all items are named.
Team Kids survey - tell us what you think
For the last three years the Out of School Hours care (OSHC) program at SKiPPS has been provided by an external provider Team Kids, who have a licence agreement with our School Council to provide this service every day (and also on school holidays and curriculum days).
Our current contract with Team Kids expires at the end of 2024 and School Council have decided to gather some feedback about the current program to understand parent and student perceptions of the service so we can make a well-informed decision around our next contract.
We would appreciate you spending ten minutes answering a short survey, so we can understand what our community thinks is important in an OSHC program and whether our current program fully meets these needs.
In doing this, we encourage you to chat to your children for their views on the program - whether they are regular users or not.
The survey can be found at
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Annual fundraising trivia night - Saturday 14th September save the date
Later this term, our fundraising parents will be running the highpoint of our annual school social calendar - the Parent Trivia Night.
This year the event will be held next door at the St Kilda Sports Club (the Bowlo) and will be taking place on Saturday 14th September, between 7pm - 11pm.
Further details will follow in the next couple of weeks, including the theme and ticket booking details.
For now, just make sure you have saved the date in your diaries and booked a babysitter for what will be an amazing night.