A message from the Principal

Welcome back to Term 3!
It has been wonderful this week to visit the classrooms and see our students and teachers refreshed and ready to go for the second half of the school year.
After two packed terms, the winter school break came along at the perfect time and I have loved hearing about how our families made the most of the holidays.
As we start term 3, we have lots to look ahead to and this week's parent teacher interviews provide a perfect beginning. They are offering a chance for your child's class teacher to reflect on semester one and to outline the goals and work ahead between now and the end of the year.
The recent school reports demonstrated the learning that has taken place and the hard work demonstrated every day in classrooms across the school.
This Friday will see SKiPPS staff use our curriculum day to undertake some important professional learning.
This day will be dedicated to preparing our teachers to implement the new Victorian Curriculum 2.0 for Maths, ensuring that we understand the changes that have been made to the content and structure.
In addition to this, we will be delving into the latest research and literature on student learning, with a particular focus on the 'Science of Learning'.
This approach examines how students learn best and is built upon key components such as cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and educational research. By understanding these principles, our teachers can better tailor their teaching methods to enhance student engagement, retention, and overall achievement.
We look forward to sharing the insights gained from this day with you and the ways that these developing understandings will be reflected in your child's time at our school.
Neil Scott