
We have had a busy start to Term 3 with our Pet Safety incursion teaching students many ways how they can be safe when approaching and meeting dogs out in public, at friends’ houses and at home.
Our Foundation students have also begun a Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) where students engage in a variety of activities that support growth in areas such as fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills. Our Level 6 buddies help to run this, and the Foundation students are in mixed class groups allowing them to create and form new connections.
In Numeracy, we have been learning about place value through the exploration of hands-on activities. We are collaboratively exploring the concept that each digit’s position in a number determines its value, from ones to tens and hundreds as well as trading up from ones to tens, and from tens to hundreds.
In Literacy, we have been focusing on a variety of topics such as new ways our known digraphs can be represented in our Jolly Phonics lessons such as ay for the /ai/ sound and oy for the /oi/ sound. We started our week by writing a holiday recount and then focused on writing descriptive sentences about people in our local community. This week in reading, we have focused on the book ‘Shoes from Grandpa’ and explored a range of comprehension strategies such as predictions, making connections, summarising and making inferences.
100 Days of School – Monday 29th July