Premier's Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is now well underway. All students will have received their user name and password to enable them to participate. We are hoping that as many students as possible will complete the challenge this year. Children can read their books independently, read with an adult or have a book read to them. Students have until 6th September to read the following:
Foundation - Year 2 - Yellow dots
You have to read 30 books. 20 need to be from the list, 10 can be your own choice.
Year 3 & 4 - Orange dots 5 & 6 - Green dots
You have to read 15 books. 10 need to be from the list and 5 can be your own choice.
Books which are on the Challenge list can be identified in our school library by a coloured dot on the spine or cover. I have indicated above which colour to look for for each age group.
When your child completes a book, please visit the Premier’s Reading challenge webpage.
Select VPRC login
Type in your child’s username and password then log in.
You will be asked to type in the title of the book your child read. It will then search for that title and offer you any books by that name.
Select the correct book and add it to your list. As you add the books it will tell you how many books have been read and how many of them are on the challenge list.
You do not need to verify the books, I will do that at the end of each month.
Please encourage your child to participate in and complete the challenge. It is a great way to improve your child’s reading skills and interest in books. The books have been selected according to their suitability for the age group, the reading level, the popularity of an author and interest level of the age group. There is something for everyone on the list.
At the completion of the challenge, the government will provide every child who reads the required number of books with a certificate to acknowledge their efforts.
If you have any questions please feel free to email or pop into my room to clarify the information. Email . You can find me in the Level 1 space (Rooms 1-4).
I hope you will get on board and participate in the Reading Challenge. I cannot imagine life without a book. I have had so much pleasure from reading and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.
Christine Andrews