
It has been lovely seeing students back in the STEAM classroom for Term 3. As we lead into Science Week ( 10th August until 18th August), our students are working on various projects that foster learning of this year’s topic: Species survival more than just sustainability.
Foundation students are learning about wombats and their needs. Throughout this unit students learn about the traits of these fascinating animals, their ideal habitat and consider how we could create the perfect environment for a wombat within our school.
Grade 1 and Grade 2:
Students are learning about STEAMPunk. Throughout the unit students are designing and creating their own marvellous creation which considers features of an animal.
Grade 3 and Grade 4:
Students are learning about Claymation stop motion and creating their own film about a “one plastic bag creation”. We look forward to sharing these with you later in the term. If you have any plastic bags to spare, please consider donating these to the STEAM room.
Grade 5 and 6:
Students are creating 60 second science videos. They are exploring film creation from the storyboard stage, through to filming and editing to persuade, inform and educate an audience. We will be sharing these later in the term.
Science Talent Search:
HEPS have 6 students who have entered this years’ Science Talent Search' competition. Their projects are all creative and show a very high attention to detail. Below is a spotlight on one of our entries in the creative writing category.
Lucy (Grade 5)