Level 6

Level 6
Welcome back to a new and exciting term! We are thrilled to have welcomed the students back and it was fabulous hearing about everyone’s holiday adventures. We have a wonderful term ahead of us! This term, some stand-out highlights will be the commencement of Production rehearsals, Athletics day and Book week! We can’t wait for all the fun to begin!
To kick off the term, we are revisiting narratives. Students have begun the planning phase of narrative writing, using picture prompts and story books to ignite some inspiration. We encourage you to help spark some imagination with your child at home by drawing inspiration from anywhere and encouraging them to write stories! This is a great opportunity for your child to explore Literacy outside of the classroom.
In Reading for the next couple of weeks, we are looking at comparing and contrasting legends and myths. The students will have the opportunity to explore these concepts in various ways, such as podcasts, story books, video clips and more. We are excited to see where this unit takes us!
This term we are having another deep dive into the world of fractions. We will be looking at ordering, comparing, adding, subtracting and finding equivalence of fractions. This week, the Level 6's have begun exploring fractions and finding equivalent fractions. Something you can do at home to support your child in their understanding of fractions is to do some cooking at home! Cooking is a great real-life application of fractions, so get them in the kitchen to cook you something wonderful (let’s hope they don’t burn down the kitchen).
We had a tremendous conclusion to our Term 2 Inquiry unit of ‘Power’, by ending the term with a mock election. The students enjoyed getting involved and having their say, for a campaign they are passionate about. We would like to congratulate all students on a terrific effort! This term, we are taking a looking at Geography and exploring all things worldly. We will be exploring different topics such as cultures, landmarks, geographical locations, common terminology and much more. We are excited to see what this term brings with such a fun and rich topic!
Looking ahead:
Friday 26th July – Gold House Assembly in the gym @ 2:45pm
Friday 2nd August – Blue House Assembly – 6KR & 6AB performance item – 2:45pm in the gym
Monday 5th August – Life Ed Consent due date.