Level 5

Level 5
Welcome back, everyone! We're thrilled to see students returning enthusiastically for the new term. It's wonderful to see their eagerness to learn and explore new things.
We're diving into Morris Gleitzman's exciting new novel, 'Boy Overboard'. Students will read and discuss the book and develop their comprehension skills by answering questions. Additionally, we'll incorporate various reading materials related to our inquiry topics to enrich the learning experience.
Our focus in the first half of the term will be on poetry and poetic devices. Students will explore different poetry types, identify poetic devices, and use them to write their own poems. This will be a great opportunity for them to express their creativity and deepen their understanding of literary techniques.
In Numeracy, we're concentrating on multiplication and division as inverse operations. Students will learn to apply their knowledge of these operations to solve equations for unknown numbers. They'll practice choosing the appropriate operation to solve equations and clearly explain their solutions.
Our new inquiry topic is Geography. Students were given a world map and asked to use their knowledge to identify continents, countries, and other features they know. In the next two weeks, they will learn to use geographical tools, such as printed and electronic atlases, to determine the relative locations of Europe and North America and their environmental characteristics. Additionally, they will research changes made by people to a particular environment in one region of Europe or North America and compare their findings with those of other regions researched by their peers.
Term 2 Recap
Level 5 had an outstanding incursion to conclude the Term 2 inquiry topic. Students immersed themselves in the world of the Federal Parliament, government, and democracy. They examined the democratic process in Australia, learned about the roles of the three levels of government, and learned how the Australian Federal Parliament relates to the Westminster system.
Students participated in an interactive federal election, learning about preferential voting and absolute majorities. They also engaged in a Federal Parliament role-play with costumes and props to illustrate how bills become laws. Forming political parties and adding their opinions to the debate allowed their creativity to flourish.
Upcoming Events:
House Athletics Day is scheduled for Thursday, August 1st. Please ensure that consent and payment is submitted by July 25th.
Kinder Connection:
Following our Kinder connection program on Tuesday, July 23rd, the Heathmont East Preschool will visit 5YS.
We look forward to a fantastic term filled with learning, creativity, and growth!