Level 4

Level 4
At the end of last term, we completed a two week unit analysing the Dr Seuss classic, ‘The Lorax’. We looked at characters, plot and the bigger messages the text was trying to communicate to us.
Our Reading activities this term will often be linked to our Inquiry topic of Geography. This week, we have been learning all about our beautiful city of Melbourne and trying to use a number of different strategies to help us figure out the meaning of any new words we might come across (if we don’t happen to have a dictionary in our back pocket!).
Our Writing genre for the first part of this term is Explanation writing. This is where we can look in more depth at how and why certain events occur in our environment. We kicked this off by studying some items related to our Inquiry unit such as a globe, a number of maps, an Australian flag and a compass.
This week in Maths, it is all about angles. We have constructed our own ‘right angle tools’ to compare angles in our environment and are learning words such as acute, obtuse, vertex, ray, degrees and right. We are currently creating these angles with our bodies and using our iPad skills to take photos and create a slideshow. They will be saved in the students’ Google Drives if you would like to view them at home once they are completed!
Our Inquiry topic of Geography could not have come at a better time this term, coinciding with The Olympic Games! We are going to start this topic at home in Melbourne, then move outwards slowly, looking at Victoria, then Australia and then the world! We are excited to see where the students’ learning takes us this term.