Health & Wellness

When Was Your Last Asthma Review?

from Asthma Australia


While most people with well-controlled asthma should have an asthma review every year (or every 6 months for kids) - some people may need to have one more often. 


An asthma review (or check-up) is a time planned by your doctor to find out more about your asthma.  

At an asthma review it’s a chance for you to talk about: 

  • any symptoms or  
  • any concerns you may have 
  • your asthma medicines and  
  • perhaps find out other ways to look after your asthma.


At your asthma review visit, your doctor (and/or asthma nurse) will talk with you about how you think your asthma is going. They can also give you tips to improve your asthma care at home. 

They will check: 

  • your current asthma symptoms, for example: how often do you need to use your reliever? 
  • if you’ve had any asthma attacks or flare-ups since you last visited 
  • if your lung function test (spirometry) is due – and listen to your chest 
  • what might make your asthma worse, for example maybe other health conditions, stress or being around triggers,  
  • your current asthma medicine– is it working? 
  • how often you are using your asthma medicines and how you use them   
  • any side effects from your asthma medicines 
  • your written Asthma Action Plan
You should be given an updated written Asthma Action Plan to take home as part of your asthma review. It provides you with clear instructions on how to treat your asthma.
  • Make sure it makes sense to you and you can follow the steps.  If you don’t understand it, ask for help from your doctor 
  • If you don’t have one yet, you can download a template below and ask your doctor to complete with you.
  • Please bring the original coloured copy to school for processing.



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