MS Readathon and Book Week

Thank you to those families who have already registered for the MS Readathon this year! We are already seeing donations coming in, and one student has already raised over $100!
If half of our school community joined this cause, and raised $5 each, we would be able to donate over $600 to this very worthy charity.
Please continue reading throughout the month of August. Families can register their students at any time throughout this month using the school link below.
Money raised goes directly to MS Readathon to support families living with neurological conditions.
Thank you for your generous support! Every donation makes a difference.
We are excited that Book Week is fast approaching next week! We have several things planned for our school community, and hope that these activities will encourage an interest and love of reading in our students.
Throughout this week, teachers will be reading the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) shortlisted books to their classes, and discussing these beautiful, specially selected books with students.
Some classes may also be inviting Mystery Readers to be guests in their classrooms next week! Look out for an email from your child’s teacher for details.
On Friday, we will have our much loved Book Week Parade in the Hall from 9am. Parents and family members are welcome to join us for this special event.
Following the parade, all students will have the opportunity to listen to a presentation by Anna Ciddor, children’s author and illustrator. She will talk to the students about how she prepares research for her novels, and sets her stories in past times. We are very much looking forward to learning about the author’s craft with Anna.
Finally, we encourage all interested families to register their children for our literacy charity this year, the MS Readathon. Please see the article above for registration details.