Principal's Report

Dear members of the St. Cecilia’s School community,
At St. Cecilia's, we have recently been involved with a series of incredibly exciting events that have brought our school community together in remarkable ways. It has certainly been busy! From celebrations honouring our students’ achievements to cultural and faith milestones, each event has been a testament to the vibrant and supportive environment we value here. The enthusiasm and participation from our students, families, and staff have made these occasions truly memorable, reinforcing the strong sense of community and shared joy that defines St. Cecilia's. Thank you for the part you may have played in the following...
Grandparents Day: We would like to congratulate everyone involved in our Grandparents Day celebration. This special event was a tremendous success, showcasing the strong bonds between our students and their grandparents or special person. The joy and warmth that filled our school as families gathered to share stories, participate in activities, and create lasting memories were truly inspiring. A big thank you to our dedicated staff and who did a fantastic job to make the day memorable, to our Grade 1/2 parents for providing an amazing morning tea and to our wonderful grandparents and special visitors for their unwavering support and love.
Confirmation: Congratulations to our Confirmation candidates who were celebrated on Friday, July 26th, at the Cathedral. The ceremony was a profound testament to their spiritual growth and commitment. The evening was filled with reverence and joy, marking a significant milestone in their faith journey. It was truly special to celerate this Sacrament in St. Patrick's Cathedral. I commend the candidates for their dedication, the catechists (Fiona Walsh, Louise Jury, Trish Revere, Rob Mustey and Helen Dee) for their guidance, Father Kevin for his involvement and the entire parish community for their support. This event was undoubtedly a highlight of our term and those that were present are very grateful for this experience.
100 Days of Foundation: Congratulations to our Foundation students (and their teachers!) on reaching the milestone of 100 days of school! The celebration held on Friday, August 2nd, was a wonderful celebration of their enthusiasm and progress. It was great to see their excitement and pride in their achievements. Thanks to our teachers (Annmaree Hoy, Marnie Chapman and Trish Revere) and support staff for their creativity and effort in organizing such a fun and educational event, and to the families for their continued encouragement and support. Parents, only 2,450 days till the end of Year 12!!
French Olympics Day: We are thrilled to share that our French Olympics Day, held on Monday, August 5th, was an outstanding success! The event was exceptionally well-organized, thanks to the remarkable efforts of our French teacher, Madame Cécile. Her meticulous planning and dedication to detail ensured a day filled with vibrant activities, engaging competitions, and a wonderful celebration of French culture, food, sport and dance. The enthusiasm and participation from both students and staff made the event truly memorable. A heartfelt thank you to Madame Cécile for her hard work and to everyone who contributed to making this day a fantastic achievement for our school community.
Monash Music Festival: We also wanted to update you all and congratulate Stefania Miller and the Senior Choir for their incredible performance on Monday this week. They participated in the Monash Music Festival in Glen Waverley and sang two songs in front of a huge audience, competing against a number of other schools. This is only our second year in this event, and many of the schools we competed against have been doing this for many years and have great experience. We placed third!!! And received an Honorable Mention!!! What an amazing achievement!
To have this sort of experience and exposure is such a privilege for these students and they responded magnificently! The opportunity to witness other schools perform and be inspired was priceless. I would to acknowledge the ridiculously talented Stefania Miller. Her meticulous attention to detail, song selection, ability to source an excellent accompanist, communication with parents, but most importantly - her passion for celebrating, sharing and leading our students in music, is simply awesome.
Days like these won’t easily be forgotten. Success is often measured in other ways in schools. On Monday, success at its finest was on show!
Well done to Stef and our mighty choir!
Upcoming Events
- Book Week: One of our favourite weeks on the school calender. Dates and details will be shared soon (Week 6)
- Fathers Day Breakfast: Mark your calendars for Friday 30th August for our annual Father's day Breakfast.
- First Eucharist: A family night, commitment mass and First Eucharist Masses in weeks 9 and 10.
- Art Show: Opening Night on Tuesday 10th September - also open on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th. More info to come.
- Last Day of Term 3: Friday 20th September -1:20pm finish
Upcoming Dress-Up Days: Plan Ahead!
Friday, 23rd August - Book Week Parade: Dress up as your favorite book character and join in the parade.
Friday, 20th September - Footy Dress-Up Day: Show your team spirit by wearing your favorite footy gear on the last day of term.
St. Cecilia's School Fair
Please come and join us at Sunday Mass
Please remember, a Catholic school is eucharistic in character. The sacramental and prayer life of our local Church, especially in the gathering of God’s People in Sunday Mass, is integral to the mission of our Catholic school and indispensable to its richness.
Please come and join us at Sunday Mass!
You are all most welcome!
Monday 9:15AM
Wednesday 9:15AM
Friday 9:15AM
Sunday 10:00AM, 5:30PM
Marty McKenna
St Cecilia’s Primary School