Head of Primary Years' Report

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Hazel Glen College,
Welcome back to Term 3. The students have settled back into their classrooms well and are looking forward to the learning opportunities ahead. Teaching teams have been busy planning and preparing for the term ahead. This week, we held our first House Performing Arts rehearsal. The staff and students were excitedly joining in to plan for their performance and I am looking forward to this valued Primary Years event taking place on Wednesday the 18th of September. We are proud of our House Program at Hazel Glen College and having the opportunity for students to work in a team provides many valuable skills.
This term we welcome the following staff who will be joining us;
- Ms Nicole Newland has joined 4A and will team teach the class with Ms Leanne Williams for the remainder of the year.
- Ms Kayla Misfud has returned this term and will be working in our tutoring program.
- Ms Julia Jacobs has commenced her family leave and we wish her all the best for this time with her family and Ms Simone Galinaro will take 3E on Thursdays and Fridays.
- Ms Vanessa Pasceri will be taking Year 5 Science.
- Ms Heidi McDonald will continue in our Physical Education Team.
- Ms Marvina Jory is taking 3C whilst Ms Romy Costa is on leave this term.
- Ms Ash Dent will be the Acting Team Leader for Year 3 this term.
As we commence Term 3, we ask that if you are completing drop-offs or pick-ups, that you do not enter the classrooms or Learning Neighbourhoods. Please use the external drop-off areas designated for your class. If you are arriving or collecting within school hours, please enter via the Primary Years office.
Next Friday, August 2nd is Principal's Day 2024. Principals and Assistant Principals are hardworking professionals who answer to a multitude of stakeholders. Their leadership covers many facets, focusing on student success and school improvement, whilst working together with their school communities and the Department of Education.
We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Principals and Assistant Principals and greatly appreciate the work they do in their schools and communities. I thank the wonderful Principal team that I have the privilege to work with daily for their commitment and dedication to education. I hope that you can join in by recognising and thanking our Principal team on this day.
Over the next couple of weeks, students will be engaged in the world event beginning today, talking about The Olympics in their classes. Our Preps will have their 100 Days of Prep Celebration next week and we have Science Week and Book Week approaching in the near future.
Please note the parking sign amendments that will be made shortly to the disabled parking spaces in our school drop-off and pick-up zones for an increased time limit by the local council.
Our Primary Years staff look forward to working with you all this term.
Andrea Lynch
Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College