From the Acting Principal 

Week  1 Term 3 2024

Lockdown Update

Thank you to our community for their support and emails last night. I would like to give you some clarifying information.  The incident yesterday involved a child that was quite distressed and having difficulty regulating his emotions. For the safety of that child and all students we went into lockdown. During the incident a number of staff were with the child at all times and the other children were kept in their classrooms. The majority of the school were unaware of what was happening. There was no knife involved.


We are working with and being guided by MACs in our response to this incident and measures needing to be in place before the child returns to school. Please be assured that the safety of the children is paramount at all times.


Reconciliation Committment Masses last weekend

Last weekend, our Grade 3 students who are preparing for their First Reconciliation attended either the Saturday or Sunday Mass to commit to preparing for this important sacrament. I congratulate these students on taking this next step in their faith journey and thank the staff (Catrina, Monica, and Hannah) and families for supporting them during this time.


Student Representative Council Actions - Food at St Bede's

At St. Bede's, we uphold a strict policy of no sharing food. To support this, children are given time to eat their morning tea and lunch inside the classroom. This allows us to monitor the children while they eat and helps reduce the amount of rubbish on our yard.


During the last term, we have noticed an increase in the amount of rubbish on the yard. The Student Representative Council (SRC) raised concerns about the increasing litter in the yard at their meetings. They discussed the action of no wrapping outside and are exploring ideas such as nude food days amongst other ideas to combat this issue.  


After discussing this issue with our SRC, the staff has agreed to ensure that children have enough time to eat inside. If they have not finished their food, they will be permitted to take it to the amphitheatre, but without any wrapping or their lunch boxes.


 We thank our families for their continued support as the SRC works on ways to address this issue.


Olympic Games

The Olympic Games start in Paris this weekend and the excitement is building. To celebrate this important and unifying event, St Bede's will be hosting an Olympic Extravaganza next Friday, 2nd August.


On Friday morning, Kaboom Sports will be collaborating with our school leaders to run a mini Olympics event. We are looking forward to enjoying this special celebration with the children and making it a memorable experience for everyone.


100 Days of Prep

We are delighted to inform you that next Tuesday, 30th July, marks the 100 days of Prep for our wonderful Foundation students. The teachers have planned a fantastic day filled with activities celebrating the number 100 for the children.


Prep parents, please keep an eye out for communication from your teachers with more details about the day's events.


Jess Wilson - Leaders speaking at Parliament

Our school captains were invited by Jessica Wilson MP to give a speech at parliament last term. They both gave a 3 minute speech on an issue they identified in our community. Last week at assembly Lucas and Ella were presented with certificates from Jess. Congratulations Lucas and Ella on a great effort.




As a community, we offer our deepest condolences to the Purtell Family, who lost their grandmother this week. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.


Maddie Di Cosimo - new LSO

We are thrilled to congratulate Maddie Di Cosimo, one of our new Learning Support Officers, who played for North Melbourne VFLW in the Grand Final against the Western Bulldogs this past weekend. Maddie and her team brought the Cup home to Arden Street. Go the Roos!!



Thank you for your continued support.



Acting Principal