Religious Education

This Sunday, on our Parish Feast Day, the year six students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please keep them and their families in your prayers at this special time.
It was so wonderful to have Bishop Tony Ireland visit our year 6 students on Tuesday, July 30th, in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The students answered Bishop Tony's questions respectfully and with good knowledge as he discussed with them what it means to make this renewed commitment to their faith, and their journey ahead as young adults in the Church.
The year 6 students participated in a Confirmation Reflection Day on Tuesday, July 23rd at the Community of the Holy Name Spirituality Centre in Cheltenham. Below is a recount of the day, written by Freya.
On Tuesday July 23rd, the year sixes attended our Confirmation Retreat Day. It was at the Community of the Holy Name in Cheltenham. We went there to reflect on the Sacrament of Confirmation.
We started by getting on the bus to the retreat centre. When we arrived we had to walk up a long driveway. When we got inside we put everything down and had a liturgy in the chapel. The liturgy took about 15 minutes. Then we were put into groups and we started the first activity in. My first activity was the paper dove, paper plate, and the fire.
Once I finished my paper plate I received Reconciliation with Fr. Justin which was very quick, it felt like two minutes! After that, I went outside for a little bit and ran around to get some energy out, ready for my next activity.
When I came back inside I decorated my cross. The Gift I chose was Knowledge. The Gifts you could choose from were: Fortitude, Knowledge, Counsel, Piety, Wonder and Awe, Understanding and Wisdom. Once I finished that I did a little square colouring which everyone did, and eventually, it would turn into a big drawing once it was put together (it was like a puzzle). I finally wrote my letter to my sponsor and I was very happy with how it came out. I’m sure when she reads it she will be very pleased.
Finally, we went outside for the last time and then we opened our bags with all the letters in it. I loved reading all the letters from people at school and my family. When I read my family's letters I almost cried!!
Finally, we packed up and came back to school. Overall everyone really enjoyed the day and we are all super excited to finally receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Dates for 2024
Confirmation: Sunday 4th August at 1 pm
First Reconciliation: Wednesday 6th November at midday