Life Hacks:

Sahil Bloom’s Most Powerful Life Hacks - a series:
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Here are some short, timeless insights for simplifying your world—"hacks" for your life, careers, relationships, health, money, and more...
When someone is going through tough times, just saying, "I'm with you," is the most powerful thing you can do.
Advice, perspectives, or offers to help are minimally impactful. The notion that someone is with you is 10 times more powerful. Be the"darkest hour friend" to those you love.
If someone tries to put down your accomplishments, cut ties with them.
These people are "boat anchors" who try to hold you back and impede your progress. Distance yourself from anyone who spends time bringing others down or dismissing their achievements.
Record a video interview with your parents.
Ask them questions and have them tell stories about their childhood, adventures, hopes, dreams, and fears. Our time with them is finite, but we often fail to recognise it until it's too late. These recordings will last forever.
Keep Seeds Fresh
If you don’t use up all of your seed packets, store them in an airtight container with silica packets to keep them fresh for next year. The silica packets prevent the seeds from germinating or getting mouldy.
Plus, check out these 10 seriously useful gardening tips every beginner needs to know.
Fog-Free Mirrors
Prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up after a hot shower with car wax. Apply a
small amount of car wax to the mirror, let it dry, and then buff it with a soft, dry cloth. Expert tips that add up to big savings on your next bath remodel.