Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Supprt/Respectful Relationships

IDAHOBIT Friday 17 May 

Next Friday, May 17th is International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination (IDAHOBIT)!


Why is IDAHOBIT still important? because…

  • 2 in 3 LGBTQIA+ youth experience abuse due to their identity
  • 68% of LGBTQIA+ employees in Australia are not out to everyone at work (Out at Work, 2018)
  • 35% of LGBTQIA+ Australians have experienced verbal abuse in the past 12 months

IDAHOBIT is a chance for schools to celebrate LGBTQIA+ equality and inclusion but also to raise awareness of the discrimination LGBTQIA+ people still face. 


We take our CNPS values of Respect, Trust and Inclusion seriously. Bullying and discrimination have no place at CNPS and we encourage our community to be upstanders where they do see discrimination.