
Important Dates

Tuesday 14 May - Whole School Open Morning

Wednesday 15 May - Foundation celebrating World Family Day 

Thursday 16 May - Education Support Personnel (ESP) Day

Friday 17 May - IDAHOBIT

Friday 24 May - Winter Musical Soiree 4pm

Wed 29 May - Fri 31 May - Year 5/6  Camp

Monday Lunchtime Chess Club

Lost Property

There are ALOT of jumpers and jackets and hats in lost property. Many of them have been there since last term. It would be great if families could please go through them and see if anything belongs to your child. It is located at the end of the hallway near the staffroom. Thanks to Andrea, Mia K's mum for sorting it all out!


We will be taking it all to the Op Shop this weekend as it is chock a block! So come and have a look!

Play Zones


You may have noticed that we have some wonderful new signage up around the school this term, showing play zones within our school grounds.


At the beginning of the year, we introduced the idea of active play zones and quiet play zones within our grounds with the aim of creating inclusive spaces for all. Spaces which allow for the sensory needs and emotional states that we all find ourselves moving between each and every hour of the day. 


All students were shown the different play zones and made aware of activities that would suit each zone. Activities such as running and chasey games, ball games and noisy activities should be directed to the active zone whilst talking, exploration, reading and chilling out are just some activities best suited to the quiet zone.


All staff, especially those on Yard Duty, have been redirecting students to the most appropriate play zone if they have forgotten which is best and we are starting to see students making terrific choices as to which zone will most appropriately suit their need during their break time. 


An addition to the quiet zones areas there has been the recent addition of the colourful new beanbags out on the Library and Yr 1/2 decks which have been hugely popular for chilling out and talking with friends. It has been wonderful to see our students using the beanbags so responsibly, demonstrating the value of Trust. The value of Inclusion has also been a highlight of students using these beanbags, seen through how well they are sharing them and inviting others to join them.


Special thanks to Isolina, Laila and Stella T (and friends) and the students of 1/2S for responsibly bringing these beanbags in and out each day when the weather allows.  


A very big thank you needs to go out to both Ingrid Smith (mum of Finella and Cate) and Megan Quinlan (mum of Augie and Claude) for the amazing input, support and creation of the visual posters for the yard zones, placed around the school yard and in each classroom. These are also accompanied by some great 3/4B student-produced posters.