What's Been Happening?

Mother's Day Breakfast!
Grade 3
In Grade 3, we have been learning about fractions in our maths lessons. We are lucky to do this in a fun way. For example, for ANZAC Day, we made an ANZAC slice using a quarter of a cup. We also got to eat Smarties! We had to use fractions to show the colours in our box and we also had to predict what we were going to get in our pack. This taught us about chance.
We have been writing stories about ‘Adventure Bear,’ who is a made-up character. He goes on journeys and fun trips where he has some problems. For example, he finds himself as a race car driver for Ferrari!
By Jack, Ezra and Will
Year 5/6
‘Moving Stories’
The Year 5 / 6 students have been thinking about, hearing about and researching the BIG question - ‘Who were the people who came to Australia and why did they come?’
We are gaining an understanding of migration and its impact on the development of Australia as a nation. We are hearing the stories of people and ancestors who migrated to Australia and the reasons they migrated. We are hearing about the many push and pull factors contributing to a person’s decision to migrate.
We have had the absolutepleasure and privilege of having guest speakers who have given their time to tell their stories or their ancestors' stories of migration. There certainly have been some ‘moving stories’!
Some of the main messages we have heard from the guest speakers are:
- The people who migrated to Australia are so lucky
- They came for a better lifestyle and more opportunities
- They all ended up staying in Australia even if the conflicts had finished
- We are all so lucky that Australia has so much freedom
- This generation is blessed because of all the hard work done by people who migrated
- We are privileged to live in a multicultural society
- Most of the people who migrated came with very little, just a suitcase
- Melbourne is filled with different restaurants offering the different types of food from many different countries