Celebrations of Learning and Community

The 2024 Athletics Carnival was a delightful blend of athleticism and creativity, showcasing the vibrant spirit of our student body.


From traditional track events to novelty competitions, there was something for everyone and the turnout was nothing short of impressive. Amidst the adrenaline-fueled races and soaring high jumps, the open mic was a hit amongst students and the irresistible aroma of the sausage sizzle tantalized taste buds throughout the day.


Let's not forget the fashion show on the field—Year 12 students went all out with their costumes, from a trio of Spidermen swinging by to a squad of Ninja Turtles and even the beloved Elmo and Cookie Monster making appearances. Who knew blow-up aliens and bananas in pyjamas could add such a fun touch to the trackside spectacle? As the seniors bid farewell to their final athletics day, they truly went above and beyond, adding an extra layer of enthusiasm and creativity to the festivities. A round of applause is due not only to the participants but also to Mr. Gibson, the PE team and all staff members who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything ran smoothly. The winning house will be announced at upcoming assemblies. Here's to another memorable athletics carnival, where laughter, sportsmanship and good times reigned supreme.


Your 2024 Sports Captains,

Jemma and Jett