Principal News

Welcome Back

A warm welcome back to our students, families, and teachers to what will be another exciting term here at CEPS. I trust all students had a safe and enjoyable break and are feeling refreshed and recharged for Term 2. Amongst the continued high-quality teaching and learning in every classroom, there will be several memorable events such as Year 6 Camp, Walk Safely to School Day, and incursions/excursions across the school. 

2023 School Annual Report

Every year by 30 April, schools are required to produce a 'School Annual Report' for the preceding year. The Annual Report provides an opportunity to share the school’s achievements and progress with the school community.


At the bottom of this article is a link to the entire report, however, I have also populated some dot points that demonstrate the Annual Report highlights. An infographic that celebrates our achievements is also provided. Thank you to one of our parents, Blake Seufert, for compiling this document.




Numeracy Achievements:

  • A significant surge in numeracy achievement data in 2023
  • Implementation of Professor Di Siemon's 'Big Ideas' in Mathematics. (click the link for more information)
  • Targeted professional development for staff to embed evidence-based best practices
  • Daily review of foundational math concepts for long-term retention
  • Numeracy tutoring for individual student needs

Literacy Achievements:

  • Strong phonics and comprehension approach across all grade levels
  • Tailored literacy intervention programs for individual student needs
  • Improved alignment between intervention initiatives and classroom instruction
  • Focus on enhancing reading comprehension skills through evidence-based assessments



Wellbeing Framework Development: The school refined a structured three-tier CEPS Wellbeing Framework in 2023, integrating the Resilience Project's lessons with the Department of Education's Respectful Relationships series to promote respect, gender equality, and healthy relationships.


Partnerships for Support: In 2023, the school partnered with Masters of Counseling students from Monash University, providing counselling services twice a week for one-on-one sessions and small group work, complementing the Wellbeing Framework and CEPS Values lessons.


Evidence-Based Resources: The 2023 Wellbeing Framework incorporated evidence-based resources accessible to all learners and teachers, supporting students in improving social, emotional, and academic learning.


Positive Survey Responses: The school's efforts in promoting wellbeing yielded positive responses in the Years 4-6 Attitude to School Survey:

  • 'Effective classroom behaviour', 'Respect for diversity', 'Attitudes to Attendance', and 'Sense of Inclusion' received higher endorsements compared to similar schools.
  • 'Student Voice and Agency' also showed improvement, with 76% endorsement.

Equity and Support Services: The school ensures inclusion and equity in education through learning support resources for funded children, implementing Individual Education Plans and Behavior Support Plans, and fostering transparency between teachers and parents to achieve the best outcomes for all students.



  • Lunchtime clubs offered diverse activities for students, led by Year 6 students with staff support, fostering interests, skills, and social connections
  • Year 6 elective program introduces secondary school-like subjects, emphasising student choice and ownership of learning, enhancing engagement and responsibility
  • Positive 2023 AtoSS data indicated a high sense of inclusion (92%), connectedness (80%), and student voice (76%) compared to similar schools and state averages
  • Improved attendance in 2024, with fewer absences compared to similar schools, attributed to decreased family holiday absences and proactive support measures
  • Strategies to promote attendance include newsletter entries, assembly presentations, teacher-family communication, and intervention by the Assistant Principal for additional support


Message from the Education Minister - Honorable Ben Carroll MP


Please see below a message from our new Minister for Education, the Honorable Ben Carroll MP.

Have a wonderful weekend!








Robert Ridgway