Grade 4 News

Important Reminders/Dates
Friday, May 17th: Latin Dance Incursion payment due
Tuesday, May 21st: Latin Dance Incursion 9.30am
Monday, June 10th: King's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday, June 25th: Celebration Morning
Friday, June 28th: Last Day Term 2 - 2.30 pm finish
Homework - The same expectations from Term 1 will continue for the rest of the year.
Wise Words: #3 What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness, or ‘being mindful’, is one of the ways that parents can reduce the stress of parenting and create calmer households. The calmer our homes, the better everyone can manage and enjoy day to day living. Mindfulness might not be what you actually think it is though! Being mindful means paying attention to the present moment. It means taking a step back and noticing our outer world through our senses and noticing our inner world by being aware of our thoughts and feelings with an attitude of curiosity and non-judgement. It is also the ability to be fully present without being ‘caught up’ in our thoughts and by being present in our immediate environment.
For more information about how we can practise Mindfulness in our everyday lives visit
Weekly Timetable for Term 2
Learning In Action
This fortnight in Literacy, students have continued to explore non-fiction texts. They collected dot-point notes about Australia and created a plan for how to turn this information into detailed paragraphs with subheadings. Students were able to choose their own areas of interest to use as a subheading, such as landmarks, food, culture, sport etc. Once students had finalised their plan they created an information report on Australia and included any relevant non-fiction text features.
Students also explored synthesising and discussed how this varied from summarising. This comprehension skill supported students in the creation of their Australian information report.
Preview - In the next fortnight, the Grade 4s will begin their focus on persuasive texts. They will learn about the structure of writing a persuasive text, look at different types of persuasive texts such as ads and posters, and they will also learn many different persuasive devices such as emotive language and exaggeration.
Word Work :
In Maths this fortnight, students finalised their addition unit. They reviewed and practised the strategies they have worked on throughout this unit before completing a post assessment. Students began their subtraction unit and were assigned a new maths goal based on the results of their pre-assessment task. They worked to identify the parts of a number sentence to help solve subtraction equations, including using worded problems.
Students also finalised their data investigation unit as they analysed their weather graph and compared their findings with a partner. See some of their amazing representations below!
Preview - The students will continue their work on subtraction and keep practising their subtraction goals. We will begin our new applied focus on time. The students will be split into 3 groups to work through some time topics of elapsed time (all groups), reading clocks to the quarter and halves, reading clocks to 5 and 1 minutes and understanding 12 and 24hr time. Groups will be based on student's individual goals.
During Inquiry this fortnight, students explored facts about South America and Africa. After watching a video about each continent and filling in all the countries on each map (a tricky task for Africa!) Students selected a country of interest to learn more about. They have begun to research their country, decide on subheadings of interest, and take relevant notes.
Preview - students will create a detailed information report on their country which will be shared with their peers and families on Celebration Morning.
During Wellbeing this fortnight students finalised their Friendology sessions by completing the last session, ‘Kind and Strong’. Students reviewed and highlighted the key friendship skills they have learnt throughout the sessions. Students reflected on how kindness & strength work together to protect our mental health & wellbeing.
Even though students have now completed the eight sessions in the Friendology program, they will continue to look at a variety of resources that the program offers. They will also be encouraged to keep using the language and skills that we’ve learnt during these Friendology sessions.
Preview - Students will continue to look at problem-solving with their peers using the 4R's program and Friendology language in order to develop strategies that will help us in the yard.
On Monday 13th May many of our year 4 basketball superstars competed at Middle School Hooptime. Everyone had a wonderful day, playing against each other and other schools. It was great to see our students persisting and supporting each other throughout their games.
A big congratulations to our All-Star Boys and Girls teams who made it to the Grand Final games. The girls came in 2nd overall, and the boys on top of the ladder, coming 1st in the Grand Final. We are super proud of all our Year 4 basketball teams that competed on the day.
A big THANK YOU to Mr Thomas for organising another wonderful event for the students.
At Lysterfield Primary School, we promote high expectations for all our students, and want to encourage our students to challenge themselves and tackle new and interesting opportunities. In light of this, we are encouraging interested students in Grades 3-6 to participate in the Australian Mathematics Competition this year.
The Australian Mathematics Competition, run by the Australian Maths Trust, is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students. It is made up of 30 unique problems designed to challenge and extend students’ problem solving skills.
Students have 60 minutes to complete the competition which will occur at school sometime between Tuesday 6th - 8th August (exact date and time TBC).
Every student who participates will receive recognition and an award at their level of achievement. The levels are:
- Participation
- Proficiency
- Credit
- Distinction
- High Distinction
The competition will cost $8.50 per student.
For more information about the competition, watch this video from AMT, check out their website, or contact Zahra Harvey (
If you are interested in your child participating in the Australian Mathematics Competition this year, please add their names to the form below by Friday 31st May:
Australian Mathematics Competition Expression of Interest