Prep News

Important Reminders!
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Library books are now DUE on a TUESDAY. This will assist in the returns process.
- Please continue to use your child's ‘School Tools’ daily to practise their individual goal.
- Students are required to bring their take-home bags to school daily.
- Every Tuesday, prep students have PMP. On this day, we ask for the girls not to wear tights as it is not safe to participate in these. It would also be great if you could get your child to practise taking off and putting on their socks and shoes so they can do this independently and efficiently.
- Take-home reading - students will receive a new take-home book every Monday. Students need to practise their reading daily. Below is a suggested structure
Monday - Focus on decoding (sounding out words)
Tuesday - Focus on fluency (reading smoothly)
Wednesday - Focus on comprehension. If you would like further challenges, you can extend your child by having them write about the pictures.
Thursday - Library book comprehension
Friday - Letter sounds/words in school tools
Learning in Action
This fortnight students were introduced to the decoding strategy ‘cover and slide’. This is where students cover the word with their hand and reveal one letter at a time to blend the sounds as they go. Students also practised reading books by using strategies when encountering new words and pointing under the words. Students learnt the heart words: I, my, the, me and a. These words have tricky parts to sound out, so this is why we need to learn them by heart. In Writing, students accepted the challenge to write a dictated sentence. Our focus was recording the letters we could hear and remembering finger spaces. As students have been reading non-fiction books about Australia, this week students had a go at writing factual sentences about Australian animals such as Koalas and Kangaroos.
Preview - Students will continue using accuracy strategies to decode words and have a go at writing sentences.
Over the past fortnight, students have learnt about addition and that it means to “put parts together”. Students have learnt the concepts of counting all and counting on to find the total. Each student has an individual goal focused on addition, including count all, count on, friends of 5, friends of 10 and counting on from the bigger number.
Students worked on their Maths Masters skills and accepted the challenge when working on a new goal. This fortnight, we have finished our location unit and have started learning about measurement, focusing on length.
Preview- Next week we will continue learning about addition, and introduced the strategies of friends of 5 and friends of 10.
Students have been learning about indigenous peoples, their flag, the ‘LPS Acknowledgement to Country’ and the Boonwurrung people.
Preview - Learning about people in our community and their important jobs.
Wellbeing:Over the past fortnight we have been working on our Fiendology program. Prep students have been learning about making new friends and how to play. We put these skills to practice when visiting the Curious Corner. Students discovered new people to play with and experienced great success playing games we wouldn’t usually play. Students have also been exploring ‘Personal Strengths’ and naming and celebrating what makes them special.
Preview- We will be learning about positive coping. Students will reflect on their emotional responses and discuss ways/techniques to deal with feelings. Students will be learning the 4 friendship facts that help kids know what to expect in a friendship.
Mother's Day Morning
Last Friday, we celebrated our Mothers and everything they do for us! Students enjoyed making and eating fairy bread, completing a chatterbox and doing their mum’s nails. We hope that all the Mums had a wonderful time with the Preps and enjoyed a relaxing Mother’s Day last Sunday.
Student Awards
No awards this week as we have Open Afternoon and no assembly.
Class Timetables
Meet The Teacher
Name: Brunella Higgins
Things I like: Spending time with family & friends, travelling, dancing and singing.
In my spare time: I love spending time with my son, Tejai and Mr Higgins. My favourite thing is going to musicals.
Favourite Colour: Purple
Pets: I don’t have any pets. If I had one though, I would love to have a pet penguin.
We would like to wish the following students a very Happy Birthday!
Prep B
Prep R
Vito -24th April
Amelia- 17th May
Prep S
Cayden - 9th May
Leo B - 17th May
Danielle Sandeman, Amanda Remington and Jess Bouloukis
Prep Teachers