Fun At the Front Desk
with Mel, Jen & Lisa
Fun At the Front Desk
with Mel, Jen & Lisa
Items for Wakakirri.
Our Wakakirri crew are looking for items to be donated for use as costumes.
We are looking for the following; any unwanted ties (neck ties) that can be used as sashes/ belts for the pirates, and anything faux fur/ woolly items that can be used for the wild things- brown, grey, black or white only please. Please bring any and all donations to the office.
Thank you!
Jessica Emery
Upcoming Events
Any new medications please make sure a medication form is filled out and handed in with the medication or if any plans need to be updated with medication please let us know.
Updating Information
It is very important that the school have your most updated information and that when these details change that you notify the school in writing by email.
If any of these apply please email the office on or call us on 59775421 so we can update your details, Thank you.
Supervised Yard Duty Times
Important Reminder
The School Yard is supervised from 8:40am in the morning and until 3:30pm, please make sure you adhere to these drop off and pick up times to ensure the safety of your children.
2nd Hand Uniform
Please feel free to look at our 2nd hand uniform, ask in the office and we can get the correct Size tubs out for you to look through. All clothes sold for a gold coin donation.
Also if you have outgrown any we are getting low and would happily take donations.
Don't forget to clearly label the uniform
Lost Property
Lost Property is located near the door opposite the staff room in the main building, please feel free to come and check if you are missing something and also valuable lost property is at the office. Below are updated photos of current items.