School and Community Information 

Tuck Shop specials:

  • Monday – Butter Chicken
  • Tuesday – Grilled Chicken Burger
  • Wednesday – NO SPECIAL
  • Thursday – Loaded Hot Dog
  • Friday – Crispy Chicken Wrap

The Parents' & Friends' Secondhand Uniform Shop will be OPEN during Term 2 on:

  • Tuesday - 3:30pm - 4:30pm
  • Wednesday - 3:30pm - 5:30pm

2024 Community Golf Day


Sunday 28 April saw a near capacity field of golfers descend upon the picturesque Grampians Golf Club to compete in the annual College Community Golf Day. This day is designed to bring together many arms of our College community and it is always a delight to see so many past and present, friends, parents, staff and students gather for an enjoyable afternoon together. We were blessed with the most beautiful conditions and thanks to the Grampians Golf Club committee, the course was in prime condition. Thank you so very much to the very many parents and friends who contributed to the most delicious spread for lunch and afternoon tea, we were all thoroughly spoilt! Thank you to Kate Pye and Penny Fraser who spearheaded the organisation and catering for the day.


Thank you also to the many businesses who contributed as sponsors for game day prizes and raffle items, we wouldn’t be able to run such a successful event without your generous contributions and for this we are very grateful. We certainly encourage our College community to support the following businesses when you can:

  • Bellcourt Books
  • Brown Bird Haus
  • Bunnings
  • Elders Insurance
  • Elders Rural Services
  • Grampians Goods Co
  • Grampians Golf Club
  • Hamilton Farm Supplies
  • Hamilton Hamper
  • Hamilton Produce
  • Hamilton Vetcare
  • Health on Gray
  • Provincial Home Living
  • Pure Envy
  • The Regent Florist
  • Tosca Browns

We look forward to seeing you all back out on the course next year.


Louise Patterson

Junior School PE Teacher and Golf Day organiser