Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts- Toan 6A Toan consistently shows focus, enthusiasm and dedication in art, producing exceptional pieces. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner” and is a great role model for his peers. Congratulations Toan and well done!

Chinese - Kenny 6A Kenny showed active participation in oral practice and great understanding of class content. Also, he always shows respect and sets a good model for his fellows. Keep up the good work!


LLI -Year 3 - Moses 3B for trying so hard in LLI this term to improve his concentration when reading. You are showing such resilience, Moses. Keep working hard!

LLI -Year 1 - Rosa 1A for a wonderful start to LLI this term. Keep working confidently!


6A - Ana for showing the school values at all times. Whether it be during class lessons, specialists lessons or in the yard.  Thankyou for being a great role model.

6B - Matewos for consistently showing a positive mindset towards your learning and for giving each activity 100% effort.  Keep it up.

6C - Srihaas for diligently taking care of the school devices, ensuring they are charged and ready to use.  Thankyou for being considerate to your classmates.


5A - Isaiah for being an incredibly selfless and respective person. Isaiah, you are a kind natured and positive student, you are tackling challenging tasks with persistence and focus, and beginning to ask for extra clarification when you need it. You make the classroom a better place, just for being in it! Thank you Isaiah, keep it up!

5B - Gabby for always displaying our School Values. She is friendly and helpful towards her peers, modelling positive behaviour and empathy. Congratulations Gabby! Keep up your wonderful efforts!


4A - Angelia for always displaying our School Values. She is friendly and helpful towards her peers, modelling positive behaviour and empathy. Congratulations Angelia! Keep up your wonderful efforts!

4B - Victoria has been voted by peers for showing our school value of ‘Respect’. Victoria is a kind and friendly student to everyone in the class, always willing to help others in need.

4C - Vincci for consistently modelling our school values. Your commitment to putting 100% effort into your work and your unwavering respect to your teachers and classmates have set a great example for others to follow suit. Wonderful job, Vincci!


3A - Jensen for displaying our school values of ‘Respect’ and ‘Integrity’. He is always willing to assist others and lend a helping hand. Great job, Jensen! 

3B - Nahwah for being a helpful and motivated member of our class. She has shown pride and collaboration in all aspects of her classwork this week. Great job, Nahwah!


2C - Ava for her amazing effort in writing this week. She has worked hard to produce a fantastic persuasive text about her sister. Great job, Ava!

2B -  Sophie for showing the value of ‘Resilience’ by working independently on her Maths learning task.

2A - Santos for working hard to learn the sounds the letters make and to read his words, well done!


1B -  Yizi In 1B has been recognised for being a friendly and respectful member of the classroom. Thankyou for making everyone feel included. Well done Yizi!

1A - Hirad for showing our school value of collaboration by supporting his peers. He has been very helpful and caring in the classroom. Well done Hirad! 


FA - Snit for demonstrating Pride. She always completes every learning task to the best of her ability. Well done! 

FB - Rex for demonstrating resilience. He has worked hard on his personal writing goal. Rex focused on writing sentences using lower-case letters and adding a full stop at the end. Well done Rex! 

         Hailey for demonstrating resilience. She has worked hard, practising to remember       her Golden words. Hailey also started to sound out and solve CVC words during           

reading. Keep up the great work Hailey!