Important dates
Important dates
Monday 6th- Cross Country- Selected students only. GOOD LUCK!
Thursday 9th- Mother's Day Stall- more information in the Upcoming Events section
(note/payment due Friday the 3rd of May)
Wednesday 22nd- Foundation Afternoon Tea-
more information in the Upcoming Events section
Friday 24th- Year 4 History Box Ballarat Incursion
(note/payment due Wednesday the 22nd of May)
Monday 3rd- Year 3-6 Athletics Day-more information to come
Friday 7th- Foundation- Year 2 Athletics Day-more information to come
Monday 10th- King's Birthday Public Holiday- No school on this day
Wednesday 12th- Year 3 Scienceworks Excursion
(note/payment due Monday the 10th of June)
Thursday 13th- Year 6 Immigration Journeys Incursion
(note/payment due Tuesday the 11th of June)
Monday 17th- Year 5 students leave for Camp
(full payment & medical form due Friday the 17th of May)
Wednesday 19th- Year 5 students return from Camp
Tuesday 25th- Parent/Teacher Conferences- more information to come
(no school for students on this day)
Friday 28th- Last day of Term 2- students will be dismissed at 2:30pm