Beyond the Classroom

Art Club & Digital Art Club
Why not express your creativity and come to Art Club on Wednesdays at lunchtime (in B10) or Digital Art Club (in B9 or B15) on Fridays at lunchtime
At Art Club you can come in and draw or paint - we also have some fabulous wooden craft clock kits that you can decorate and take home with you.
Would you like to contribute to our 2024 Malonga Magazine (College Yearbook)?
The Malonga Magazine is our College Yearbook. You could design the front or back covers, produce artwork for the pages of the magazine or perhaps you have some brilliant ideas to make it a better yearbook? Prizes will be awarded for contributions that make it to the final copy.
If you are interested in finding out more, please come along to Art Club during Term 2.
Are you interested in Digital Art?
Every Friday, Ms Rhodes-Anderson, gets out the iPads ready for students to create some fabulous designs. If you would like to join them, please come along to B9 (or on some days B15) at lunchtime on Fridays.
Chess Club - Regional Chess Tournament
Pakenham Secondary College will be hosting a Regional Chess Tournament on Thursday, 23rd May, with many schools signing up to join us on the day.
Our Chess Club members are currently challenging each other to as many matches as they can to improve their skills in readiness for this competition.
If you would like to join Chess Club please come along to the Library (for the dates/times please see the club and activities timetable below). Chess helps you focus, builds your confidence, helps you learn how to be calm under pressure, develops your creativity and helps you develop problem-solving skills.
Don't Hate, Advocate
Our Don't Hate, Advocate members are busy preparing for IDAHOBIT Day on the 17th May. IDAHOBIT stands for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia and was created to highlight the violence, discrimination and repression experienced by LGBTQIA+ people all over the world.
We look forward to finding out more about this important event in the coming weeks.
If you would like join our Don't Hate, Advocate Club, please come along to A10 during the first part of lunchtime on Thursdays - or have a chat to Ms Erjavec.
PSC Clubs & Activities
All students are welcome to join any of the below clubs and activities (SRC by application/invitation only). If you have any questions, please speak to the Club Coordinator.