Art & Technology @ PSC

Artist in Residence - Samantha Richards
Our Indigenous Artist in Residence, Sam Richards, started working with our Year 12 students today (Friday, 26th April). Sam gave a lecture on the artist that has inspired her, Elizabeth Close, an Anangu woman from the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytatjara Language Groups. Elizabeth is an exceptional artist who created the four storey mural at the Royal Children's Hospital with Samantha, in 2021.
Sam also explained all of the different meaning of the 12 traditional Indigenous symbols, provided information on some of the artwork that she has created over the years (including how she incorporates the symbols into her work), and her journey from studying forensics and paramedicine to being a full time educator and artist. Additionally, Sam spoke of the process she goes through with her clients from concept through to completion.
All of this information has given the students a tremendous insight into the life of an artist and the key steps to follow in the artwork they are creating for their portfolios.
Sam will be following their progress on their own artistic practice, providing them with feedback and participating in their critique, for the remainder of the term.
Sam, has also continued working with our Years 7 and 8 students on their weaving and sculptures.
If you would like to find out more about Samantha, please visit the Issue 1 2024 College Newsletter at:
Year 8 Technology
Recently, our Year 8 Technology students have been working in groups to create 3D mazes for an edison robot to navigate. The project has enhanced the students' programming and problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to work together cohesively in a team.