
Sporting Update
We have only been back at school for two weeks and already we have had a massive amount of training taking place, as well as attendance at important sporting events in our Region.
On Monday, 22nd April, our Intermediate and Senior Girls Netball teams competed in the Cardinia Region Interschool Netball at Casey Stadium. Our Intermediate A team won 3 out of their 5 games and our Senior Girls also played exceptionally well, even though they were ultimately unsuccessful.
Also on that day, our Intermediate Boys Football team competed in the Cardinia Region Interschool Football at Sweeney Reserve – winning 2 out of 3 of their games!
All of our students were a credit to our College, with their tremendous effort and exceptional behaviour and we are very proud of all of them. They have been training hard and it is great to see that all of their efforts have brought them together as such focused and cohesive teams.
Congratulations to all who competed on Monday.
Coming up on the 30th April, we have a school-wide Cross Country and Colour Run event. Last year our inaugural event was a huge success, and we look forward to making this year even bigger and better!
Miss Morrow - Sports Coordinator
Intermediate & Senior Girls Netball & Intermediate Boys Football
House Scores Update
We have tallied up the results of our major sporting events from last term; the Athletics Day and Swimming Carnival, and can now update our Community on the current House Scores:
Mills (Green) House | 1146 Points | 1st Place |
Barty (Red) House | 1057 Points | 2nd Place |
Freeman (Yellow) House | 922 Points | 3rd Place |
Betts (Blue) House | 685 Points | 4th Place |
Pakenham Warriors Basketball Development Program Updated Start Date
Ned, an experienced coach from the Pakenham Warriors, provided outstanding instructions to our students throughout last term. He developed an excellent training program to develop specific areas such as shooting, passing, ball handling and agility. We look forward to his training expertise this term!
The Pakenham Warriors Development Program will commence on Friday, 10th May and will be on every Friday from that point for the rest of the term.
Training starts at 7:45am and runs until 8:30am in our Gymnasium.
Students from Years 7-10 are welcome to join at any time - please being a basketball, your runners and a water bottle to participate. The program is FREE.
PSC Fitness Centre
We have an amazing Fitness Centre at the College, which is available at lunchtime for students to use. Please see the below schedule for details.