Student Achievements

SWPBS - Respecting Others 

Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Focus this term is 'Respecting Others'


Today (Friday 26th April), Ms Logan acknowledged and rewarded students who have received green chronicles from their teachers over the past two weeks.  These students showed tremendous respect in or outside of the classroom to their peers, teachers and others around the College. 

NameHome GroupNominated by
Jay Deacon8.2Miss Feng
Mia (Devine) Teaia8.7Ms Kingston
Karla Fincham-TurnerPACTMr James
Harrison Byron 11.7Ms Talevski
Natalie Thomson10.4Ms Schinzig

Well done to the above students who each received a $30 movie voucher. 


Ms Logan will continue to pull out names of students over the course of this term, who have received green chronicle notices (in Compass), in relation to our School Wide Positive Behaviour theme for Term Two; Respecting Others.

Student Helpers - Open Night 

We would like to thank all of our student helpers who came along to Open Night on Tuesday, 23rd April, to either speak at the event, provide school tours to families, greet and assist parents on entry and help out in many other ways before and throughout the evening. 


Many students gave up their free time to showcase our College and we are very grateful for the help you provided.