Community News

Cross Country & Colour Run - Tuesday 30th April
Message from the Minister of Education
Please click on the video link above for a message from the Minister of Education, The Hon. Ben Carroll MP, to parents and carers about the importance of the second school term for learning, along with a few helpful reminders.
Open Night 2024
Thank you to all of the families who came to our Open Night on Tuesday (23rd April). We hope you found the evening informative.
If you require any further information, please don't hesitate to contact our office on 5945 1433 or you can visit our website at
2024 School Tours
Our College Tours are available every Wednesday during term time. They start from the College Reception at 9:15am sharp, concluding at 10am. Bookings are essential and can be made through our website at:
Sub School Structure @ PSC
For any Well-being or other concerns, please speak with your child(ren)'s Team Leader in the first instance.
Construction Update - Pakenham Level Crossing Removal Project
The countdown is on for Pakenham to be level crossing free this June.
There will be traffic changes during the day on Henty Street to allow for the safe completion of drainage works in May. They will be providing more details directly to impacted residents closer to the date.
McGregor Road will be closed at the level crossing for boom gate removal from 7am, Sunday 19th May to 7am, Monday 20th May.
Racecourse Road will be closed at the level crossing for boom gate removal from 7am, Monday 20th May to 7am, Tuesday 21st May.
Main Street will be closed at the level crossing for boom gate removal from 7am, Tuesday 21st May to 7am, Wednesday 22nd May.
If you would like further information you can sign up for project updates at
School Crossing Supervisor of the Year Award
Jump online and complete a nomination at
or click on this image.
Your support of this program will help ensure that your School Crossing Supervisor is shown the appreciation they deserve for their commitment to the ongoing safety of our children.
Nominations close on 31st May 2024.
Disruptions on the Pakenham Train Line
Please click here or on the image above for all the latest details of disruptions on the Pakenham and Cranbourne Train Lines.
Buses will replace trains on the Pakenham Line between Berwick and Pakenham from 10pm, Friday 17th May to Friday 31st May and between Dandenong and Pakenham from Saturday 1st June to early June.
From early June, trains will be running on the new rail bridge and the new stations at Pakenham and East Pakenham will open to passengers.
Connecting with Us
Our College Newsletter is distributed monthly (usually the last Friday of the month) through your Compass newsfeed and our Website.