Cranbourne Campus News

The Importance of Connections
Over 50 years ago Bill Withers encouraged us to 'Lean on me, when you are not strong’ with the number one hit from his Still Bill album. This message is very relevant to us today. Within that song Withers reminds us all that we ‘all have times of pain and sorrow’, he goes on to encourage us to ‘swallow our pride if I have things you need to borrow’, suggesting that a problem shared is a problem halved, and then goes onto highlight that ‘no one can fill those of our needs that you don't let show’, as hard as asking for help can sometimes seem .
Withers advice is a plea to someone he terms ‘brother’, however it is clear that he is using the term to refer to any person /friend in need or facing personal challenges. Wither's themes of vulnerability, companionship and empathy are as relevant to America in the 1970 's as they are to St Peter's College in 2024, where sometimes members of our community carry burdens or face challenges thinking that no one is there for them.
The importance of having brothers and sisters to call on in times of need is part of the reason we schedule events such as next week's Athletics Carnival and last Week's Year 10 Reflection day. Obviously an Athletics day is about House Spirit, and ensuring a focus on the importance of physical health. And the Reflection Day is about reflecting on a God of Love and our heritage as a Catholic school. However, both events are intrinsically about community, about belonging, creating a time and space to consolidate friendships and build new friendships for ourselves and the community .
Our community activities are about building the types of connections for us to each realize 'we all have someone to learn on‘. As adults we see that these events are bigger than just a day out of the classroom which is why we work so hard to get full attendance. I encourage all parents to support us in getting all young people to attend and where you can , encourage them to get involved.
Year 10 Reflection Day
You will hear about this in other parts of this publication and those parents of Year 10's will have already received the teenage feedback of a shrug of the shoulders. “it was alright “ (~ which in typical teen langage is a 'thumbs up’ ) however I just wanted to acknowledge the Year 10 Reflection Day here also.
While a day of deep self reflection on a God of Love, the Year 10 Reflection leaders helped intentionally create a lightness and freedom which supported the participants into a place of invitation rather than contrived heaviness. As adults, some of us may have experienced these somewhat forced retreat experiences but as teachers we have learned that they are rarely as effective at inspiring deep reflection today.
In - house catering from some of our wonderful Vocational Major staff and students kept the students happy but also was an important modeling to the students of self sacrifice and servant leadership for the sake of others. Like all retreats, the true impact is often felt in the weeks and years ahead as some students take their time to 'pick up what is being put down', but that is ok. Having been doing this for a long time we have the benefit of witnessing the slow burn of the themes and messages of a retreat day. Much thanks needs to go to the RE leadership and staff and thankfully the students realised this and showed their appreciation as the day came to a close. Retreat days at 10 and 11 and our overnight Retreat experience at Year 12 are sacred and special opportunities for our community - long may they continue.
Mother's Day Breakfast - Save the date
We will again be inviting our mothers and significant women to join us on Monday 13th May from 8am. Invitations to follow.
Public Message
Reminder about parking
Our local fast food restaurants - McDonald's and KFC - Have requested that I remind parents not to use their car park premises for the afternoon pickup, please.
Furthermore, parents mustn't use the bus lanes on Cranbourne Frankston Rd as a two-minute drop off or pick up. This is a particularly dangerous behavior act for members of our schooling community.
Mr Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus