General News

From the Archives
“The Avenue”
The pathway that runs north-south between the Technology Complex and the Clancy, Breen and Florence Williams buildings on the Cranbourne Campus is known as “The Avenue.”
It was officially opened in October 2005. The brainchild of the Parents and Friends Association who wanted to provide a space for student reflection, it was officially opened in October 2005. Mrs. Kim Gill, the president of the Parents and Friends Association at the time, remarked in The Rock of 2005 that ‘The biggest highlight of this year was watching the progression of “The Avenue” from an idea to its official opening in October. It is wonderful to see this wonderful setting being utilised by so many students.”
Pictured below are staff and students walking along “The Avenue” when it was opened. Note the lack of trees. A later photograph shows “The Avenue’’ in its autumn glory with well-developed trees.
In 2007, students Daniel Butt, Daniel Heskins, Michelle Molinari, and Liana Shankieh designed and created the 'Onimichi' sculpture under the guidance of teacher, Sarah Jane Chase. It is now a prominent fixture of “The Avenue.”
St. Peter, Pray for Us.
Greg Nelson
Bring It On - College Production 2024
Rehearsals for this year’s college production of Bring it On have been progressing at a cracking pace!
The cast have been working hard to perfect their vocals with musical directors Nigel Patawaran and Genevieve Lyte and learning the dynamic dance and cheer routines with choreographer Keyane Dalton. With most of the vocals learnt and many of the show's large dance numbers choreographed, director Madeleine Tabacchiera will now focus on developing the show's characters and bringing the script alive on stage.
Last week, students were involved in a sitzprobe, a rehearsal where the cast sang through all the show’s songs in order with the backing tracks. The students did an excellent job and are sounding great! There is a lot of work ahead as we continue rehearsing the show and start adding our technical and design elements in readiness for our performance season.
The production will take place in the first week of Term 3 from Wednesday July 17 through to Saturday July 20 with evening performances starting at 7:30pm, and a Saturday matinee commencing at 2:00pm.
Tickets for Bring it On will be available to purchase through Trybooking soon. The show runs for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, including an interval.
Nicole Lewis
Performing Arts Coordinator
Learning Enrichment News
Please see attached NCCD Parent Information sheet.
Year 12 Music Performance Day
The recent Year 12 Music Performance Day brought together students from the Clyde North Campus and the Cranbourne Campus for an impressive showcase of musical talent and creativity. This event marked their first performance assessment and demonstrated their musical growth and dedication.
Students were tasked with presenting two distinct pieces: a re-imagination and a cover. The re-imagination process asks students to select a song and present it in a re-imagined/ different way. This can be through making changes to the mood/ character of the song or performing it in a different genre by manipulating the elements of music and compositional devices. This required thorough research, improvisation, and extensive rehearsals, highlighting their commitment to musical excellence.
The setlist created for the Performance Day will play a crucial role in their final performance exam later in the year. Beyond assessment, this event served as a milestone reflecting the students' musical journey and showcasing their evolving skills.
The presence of Year 10 and Year 11 music students in the audience added to the event's significance. Seeing the creativity and dedication of the Year 12 students provided inspiration and insight into future possibilities in their musical education.
Overall, the performances were a testament to the students' hard work and passion for music, setting a high standard for musical excellence within our school community.
Madeleine Tabacchiera and Genevieve Lyte Year 12 Music Teachers
Cranbourne Lions Ban