Student Wellbeing 

Student Wellbeing encompasses the following areas:  Student Engagement, Student Connectedness, Classroom Climates, Inclusion and Prevention to Intervention


This week the parent and carers information is about vulnerability. Please click on the links to learn or about this.


In the  The Resilience Project's digital series, Hugh talks about vulnerability. 


Often vulnerability is seen as a weakness but Hugh explains how you can use it as a strength. 


Opening up and talking about how you are feeling when you’re potentially not feeling okay takes courage, especially in the perfectionist society we live in today.


View the information about  Vulnerability:


Hugh shares how opening up and being vulnerable about the way he was feeling during the pandemic gave him the feeling of relief, humility and then curiosity to work through what he was going through. He encourages you to see vulnerability as a strength and model being vulnerable to your children. 


Thank you for participating in this Parent and Carers Digital Presentation series.


You can re-watch the videos and access activities and resources anytime via the Parent & Carers Hub.You can also stay up to date with The Resilience Project news and events by signing up to their Newsletter. You can also listen to the podcast - The Imperfects.


This will help you to understand the TRP project and the learning your children are doing in the classrooms.