A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
Welcome back to Term 2! It was wonderful to see all our students back, happy, smiling and ready for another term of learning.
Below are the curriculum notes for Term 2
A reminder that Monday 13th May is a staff development day. Staff will be off site working with colleagues from schools in the Ashfield-Olympic Park and Auburn-Lakemba networks. Teachers will be working on the implementation of the new English and Mathematics syllabii while support staff will have a focus on student wellbeing.
Our remaining staff development days will be held on the following dates:
Just a reminder, that punctuality is important. Punctuality gives students an advantage in their learning.
Successful students are well organised and ready to start school on time. Arriving at school on time, before the 8.45am bell:
• gets your child’s day off to a good start and puts your child in a positive frame of mind, so that they can make the most of their learning;
• sets positive patterns for the future;
• leads to good attendance;
• leads to better achievement;
• leads to understanding that school is important and education is valuable;
• helps your child develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and towards others;
• helps your child make friends and keep friends;
• reaps rewards; it leads to success and self-confidence.
We acknowledge that there are situations where a late arrival is inevitable, in these cases parents are required to bring their child to the school office and sign them in via the Compass Kiosk.
Each term, the eSafety Commissioner runs online webinars for Parents and Carers. These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
A list of upcoming webinars can be found by clicking the button below.
School photos will be held on Wednesday June 12. Packages, prices and more details will follow in the coming weeks.
Tomorrow is Walk Safely to School Day. Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, it’s quite easy to figure out how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine.
You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by:
Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes. It also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic.