A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy Mothers' Day

What a wonderful celebration of the Mothers, Grandmothers and Mother-like figures we had this week. It was a great joy to see our community come together to celebrate the great gift of our Mothers. Year 1 led a beautiful prayer service and we were blessed by Fr John who was able to join us for the start of our prayer service. We remembered Mary, Mother of God and our Mother and her example to all women. The beautiful singing brought a tear to my eye and all those in the hall and in classrooms were able to enjoy this special occassion. The P&F did a wonderful job with catering and everyone enjoyed the delicious treats and the coffee truck. Parents were still checking out the lovely display of hearts on the wall this morning. The drawing of the raffle topped off a great day. Huge thanks to the Mums who helped to run the Mothers' day Stall on Monday. I hope you all have a lovely day on Sunday.


Visit From Albyn Road Pre-School

Last week we had the pleasure of hosting a visit from the students of Albyn Road Pre-School. We engaged the students in a range of activities to help them prepare for the transition to school. They visited the Library, Music Room, Kinder classroom and playground. Even the educators joined in with the activities. We look forward to inviting them back in Term 3.

Strathfield in the Future

Last Friday we had a visit from Strathfield Council and students from Year 3 and Stage 3 presented their ideas about the future in Strathfield. The video taken on the day will be used to showcase the contribution of schools to the municipality. It will be shared with visitng dignitaries and on the council's YouTube channel. I share below some of the great artworks used to depict possible improvements to Strathfield in the future. Many thanks to those parents who gave permission for their children to participate and to the students for their wonderful ideas and contributions.

Listening to the students share their ideas and present to the council reassured me that we are preparing our students well to be active and thoughtful members of the community.

Road Safety Concerns

When it comes to safety on the road, our children look to our example. Please consistently show your children how to be safe by following basic road safety rules. Some of the things we see on the road outside the school are startling and could easily end in disaster. Your minute that you are trying to save, could cause a lifetime of regret. Cross at the crossing, don't do U turns over double white lines and look before you pull out from the kerb. These small things will help keep everyone safe.



Peace and Best Wishes

Carolyn Parsell