Community News

Hi Everyone, 

Just a quick note to say a huge THANK YOU for supporting this year’s National Walk Safely to School Day. It was wonderful to see so many students walking safely and happily to school with their friends. 

The initiative is a worthwhile one, it aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety and environmental benefits that regular walking to and from school can give our children. Apart from the physical benefits, regular walking also has a positive impact on children's cognitive and academic performance.


The Walking Buses were a great success, despite the rain and it was awesome to see the snake of umbrellas making their way into the school grounds! 


All that walking made us hungry and Breakfast Club at the canteen was a busy affair. Students lined up for toast with vegemite, jam, marmalade or honey. It was lovely to see so many of them use beautiful manners. 


A heartfelt thanks to the RHPS Community for making this event so enjoyable!