Well with Alice

I am leaving

Dear everyone,

I have some sad news to share this week: I am leaving Rolling Hills as I have found full time work elsewhere. This is not something I envisioned, as I love it here, but it's something I need to do for my personal mental and financial health.


My last working day here will be on Wednesday the 5th of June. As I write this, the students have not been informed yet. I will be informing them as I see them in the coming few weeks but with how many students I see and have seen, I won't be able to tell everyone personally. If your child sees me regularly, chances are that this news will be difficult for them to process. This is why I would appreciate it if you can discuss this with them at home.


The students who need ongoing support will likely be referred on to the school counsellor Winter. If you have any concerns about your child, please speak to their classroom teacher so that supports can be put in place.


Thank you so much for your trust in me. Thank you for the many wonderful conversations I have been able to have with students and their parents. Thank you to all the wonderful staff here at RHPS. I will miss you all very much.


All my love,

Ms. Alice Romijn

School Chaplain


Ps. With me leaving, we really need another parent helper to step up and help with breakfast club on Wednesday mornings. Currently we go through about 7 loaves of bread each week! Tasks are simple: get to school at 8.15, butter toast, serve toast, clean up. Please contact the school if this is something you can help out with. It's fine if you're not available weekly, but we definitely need help!