Peer Tutoring

This term we have commenced our Peer tutoring program with the Foundation and Year 6 students.
Peer tutoring is an effective way of promoting learning and enhancing academic performance among students. Peer tutoring has been shown to improve academic achievement, increase self-esteem, and enhance social and communication skills among students.
At St Cecilia’s the Year 6 students have been trained to work positively with the Foundation students to help them learn to read letter names and sounds, and to read the most commonly used words. The Foundation children work one on one with a Year 6 student to do this. This is an optional program which runs before school every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8.35am.
Research conducted in Australia has demonstrated the effectiveness of peer tutoring in improving academic outcomes for students. A study conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) found that peer tutoring was effective in improving reading and numeracy skills among students in primary and secondary schools. The study also found that students who participated in peer tutoring showed greater motivation and engagement in their learning.
Over the years we have regularly seen excellent results using this program. The Foundation children also thoroughly enjoy working with the Year 6 students. This program also benefits the Year 6 students by providing an opportunity to give positive feedback and guidance to our younger students. We are very grateful for the Year 6 students who volunteer their time to assist with our peer tutoring program.