Acting Principal's Report

Dear members of the St. Cecilia’s School community,
As we enter the last few weeks of term, it is a particualarly busy time in the classroom as teachers finalise assessments and work on the students mid year reports. Despite the sometimes arduous and challenging nature of these tasks for both staff and students, it is a vital part of the process of working together in partnership with our parents.
It is also a great validation of the hard work and effort that both our staff and students put into the learning that takes place in the classroom on a daily basis.
Our students all learn at different rates and in different ways, so it is important to celebrate the achievements of each student and try to avoid falling into the trap of comparing them to others.
Over the next few weeks it will be important to remind our students that the most important thing we value is their attitude and effort, and that if they are really giving their best in all their learning, then that is the greatest achievement there is.
School Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews
School reports will be sent out online on Monday June 24. Instructions on accessing the reports will be sent out in the week prior.
Details of the parent teacher interviews scheduled for Wednesday June 26, were sent home earlier this week. Please ensure that you go online to book your time with your child's teacher. A reminder that you have the option of either an in person or online interview.
School on Wedensday June 26 will finish at 1:20pm to facilitate our interviews.
A reminder that the last day of term, Friday June 28 also concludes at 1:20pm, with afterschool care available from this time.
Parents Association Thank yous
We have had two of the most significant and well atteneded parents association events of the year over the past couple of weeks.
Student Disco
The disco was an enormous success with a huge attendance from the students at both the junior and senior sessions. It was also great to see so many parents volunteering to make the event possible. A huge thank you to Claire and Bona who coordinated the event again this year. It is no small undertaking and your efforts to completely transfrom the hall and put on such a fun event for the kids is greatly appreciated.
Parent Mid-Year Function
The Parent mid year function was another smashing success. With over one hundred parents in attendence, the wimbledon whites theme I'm reliably imformed was fully embraced. Thank you to Camilla McMahon for a huge effort in organisng this fantastic community event.
First Reconciliation
Last Wednesday and Thursday our Year 3 students made a significant step in their faith journey by particiapting in the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The candidates were outstanding in the mature and reverent way they conducted themselves during the ceremonies and the manner in which they approached the sacrament which can be a challenging one for adults, let alone children. They all took the sacrament as an opportunity to reflect and grow as an individual and as a follower of Christ.
A very big thank you to out Education in Faith Leader, Mrs Annmaree Hoy who did a wonderful job helping the teachers and students prepare for the sacrament. Thank you also to our Parish Priest, Fr Kevin McGovern for celebrating this special occasion with our students.
Drop Off and Parking Reminders
If you have not already, I urge you to refer to the detailed description of the parking and pick up practices page found towards the end of the newsletter. Unfortunately, it still seems there are a number of our community who do not understand some of the basics required.
Please in particular view the images on this page and understand where the no standing zones are. These zones can not have stationary cars in them at any point. If you find yourself in one of these zones you will be asked to pull out and go around the block again.
It is also vitally important for the safety of all that no cars are left unattended in the drop off / pick up zone and that cars do not pull in front of other cars in this zone. Please wait for cars in front to move off or forward, before pulling in at the back of the zone.
Important Dates for our Sacramental Years
Sunday June 23 | 10:00am | Yr 5/6 | Confirmation | Commitment Mass |
Sunday June 23 | 5:30pm | Yr 5/6 | Confirmation | Commitment Mass |
Tuesday July 16 | 7:00pm | yr 5/6 | Confirmation | Family Night |
Friday July 26
| 7:00pm | Yr 5/6 | Confirmation | Ceremony (at St Patrick’s Cathedral) |
Wednesday July 31 | 7:00pm | Yr 4 | Eucharist | Family night |
Sunday August 11
| 5:00pm | Yr 4 | Eucharist | Commitment Mass |
Sunday September 8
Sunday September 15 | 10am & 5:30pm
10am & 5:30pm
| Yr 4
Yr 4 | Eucharist
Eucharist | Sacrament ceremonies
Sacrament ceremonies
New Extra Curricular Offering - Stage Left
We are very pleased to have formed a new relationship with Stage Left Performing Arts School. The arts are an integral and highly valued part of our curriculum at St Cecilia's. In order to extend the range of extra curricula activities we offer, we have partnered with Stage Left who will run after school Performing Arts classes here at school.
For more information click on the links below.
Have a great weekend long everyone!
Matthew Mooney
Acting Principal
St Cecilia’s Primary School