From the Acting Principal
What a busy yet productive term it has been!
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know our students and the school community this term. The school review has provided me with a valuable opportunity to learn a great deal about Hamlyn Views in a short time and to appreciate the hard work and dedication of staff.
Amidst our busy school life, it is a privilege to take the time to reflect on and celebrate the achievements of the past four years. Although the process is still ongoing, the leadership team are looking forward to celebrating our accomplishments with the school community next term and to begin developing our next Strategic Plan.
Speaking of dedicated staff, we wish Ashley Kalkandis the best of luck in her new adventure as Acting Principal at Shelford Primary School. Ashley has dedicated the last four and a half years to Hamlyn Views School and her passion for inclusivity is evident as she champions and embraces each student, supporting them to thrive, grow and learn at our school. Ashley has had a positive impact on staff, students and their families at HVS and we know just how lucky the Shelford PS Community are in gaining Ashley's expertise and knowledge during this second half of the year.
Staff News
There will be some changes to staffing across the school starting in Term 3. Families and Carers in these classes have been notified. We currently have a classroom teacher position advertised on recruitment online.
Semester 1 Reports and Individual Education Plans
Student reports have now been shared and I hope you enjoyed reading about your child’s learning and growth this semester. SSG meetings continue this week and IEPs will be available on Compass on Friday June 28th.
Adaptive Clothing
Our physio Ahbi has found a company that has good adaptive clothing which can be purchased through the NDIS. Details below.
Capital Works
We are very excited about the minor capital works project that has just begun. This project will include installing a permanent cover over one of our basketball courts, constructing a much-needed large storage shed, and adding exercise stations in the senior yard. Whilst we will temporarily lose some yard space during construction, we look forward to having an outdoor area that provides shelter from both the sun and rain.
Early finish for end of term 2
A reminder that school will finish at 2:30pm this Friday 28th June for the end of term. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you all on the first day of Term 3, Monday July 15th