Senior School

Upcoming Activities
Tuesday 4 June
Music Winter Concert, 7pm
Wednesday 5 June
DSC Push-Up Challenge begins, lunchtime at the soccer pitch
Year 12 Biology SAC, 9am
Year 12 Math Methods SAC, 1:45pm
Thursday 6 June
Inspiring Girls program
Year 12 EAL SAC, 12:30pm
Friday 7 June
Year 12 French SAC, 8am
Monday 10 June
Monarch's Birthday Public Holiday (no school)
Tuesday 11 June
'Comfy Clothes' Free Dress Day - gold coin donation
Teacher Talent Show, lunchtime at the PPC
Year 12 Art SAC, 9am
Wednesday 12 June
Year 10 Assembly, 1:15pm
Year 12 Specialist Maths SAC, 1:45pm
Thursday 13 - Friday 14 June
Year 10 exams
Thursday 13 June
Year 11 SWOT Vac (study from home)
Regional Cross Country
Year 12 Media SAC, period 3
Year 12 Economics, period 5
Friday 14 June
Year 11 English exam
Monday 17 - Friday 21 June
Year 11 exams
Tuesday 18 June
Year 12 General Assessment Test (GAT)
Wednesday 19 June
Year 12 Assembly, 12:15pm
Unit 3 Biology practice exam, 1:30pm
Monday 24 - Friday 28 June
Year 10 Careers experience week
Monday 24 June - Tuesday 2 July
Year 10 & Year 11 Central Australia tour
Wednesday 26 June
Year 12 EAL practice exam, 1:25pm
Year 12 PE SAC, 2:15pm
Friday 28 June
End of Semester Reports sent to families
End of Term 2, 2:30pm dismissal
GAT information
All Year 12 students (VCE and VCAL), and Year 11 students who are completing a Unit 3/4 subject will sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday 18th June at DSC.
During that time, there will be no Year 11 or 12 classes.
All students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence will be required to sit Sections A and B. Senior VM students will sit Section A.
- Arrive by 8:30 am
- Check seating plan (will be uploaded to Compass prior to the day and posted at senior centre and exam hall)
- Follow exam instructions properly
- Bring the following items into the GAT:
- An English/Bilingual printed dictionary and scientific calculator can be taken into both sections of the GAT
- Pens, pencils and an eraser.
- DO NOT bring phones or smart watches into the exam, they must be in lockers prior to coming down to the exam location.
Exemption from the GAT: Students unable to sit the GAT because of illness, including COVID-19, due to a serious intervening event, or are employed and cannot be absent from work (evidence from their employer is required), are eligible to apply for an exemption from the GAT. Students must contact Mr. Tennent or Mr Shirley as soon as they are aware that they will not be able to sit the GAT.
Year 10 and 11 Exam Schedule
Please find attached the mid-year exam timetable for Year 10 and 11.
Year 10 exams will be running on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th June for the subjects listed. Normal year 10 classes will resume on Monday 17th June.
Year 11s will have SWOT Vac (study at home) on Thursday 13th June and have exams from Friday 14th June until Friday 21st June.
Key Expectations:
- Year 10s who are studying a Year 11 Subject must attend that exam during the week (as an approved absence from your Year 10 class).
- Year 11 students who have a Year 12 SAC at the same time as their exam should attend their Year 12 SAC and attend a catch up exam on Friday 21st June.
- Students who are enrolled in a Year 12 subject will attend the GAT on Tuesday 18th June.
- Please note that full school uniform (no PE uniform) is expected for each exam.
- Mobile phones are not permitted in exams.
- Students will not be required at school when they do not have an exam.
- Students will not be permitted to leave any exam before the allocated time.
- Students who miss an exam on the day but can provide a medical certificate for the missed day, are allowed to undertake the exam to the catch up session, which runs from 1:30 - 3:10pm, Friday 21st June. This can be organised through Senior School reception or by your Coordinator.
Tim Veevers | Senior School Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Study Periods
Senior School students are expected to be onsite for their first class of the day and remain onsite until their final class of the day. They should not leave school grounds between periods.
To this end, we remind students to use their study periods effectively by attending the Senior Centre to be marked off, then working in the Senior Centre or the school's library on independent study. If their classroom teachers are available during this time, they may also make appointments with them.
Students should not be wandering around the school grounds and no phone use should occur. With mid-year exams for our year 10 and 11 students looming, it's important students are taking every opportunity to prepare and study to achieve their best. For year 12 students, preparation for SACs is vital.Additionally, staff have a duty of care for students when onsite and so active supervision is required. As a result, students who are seen in places they should not be, will be asked to return to the Senior Centre. Repeated reminders will result in consequences.
Kristin Skennar | Assistant Principal, Senior School
Year 10 Careers Experience
Monday 24 - Friday 28 June
Students should be finalising their Work Experience Arrangement Forms and returning them to the Careers department as soon as possible.